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Buyer Agent Fax

Help Topic 17270


Buyer Agent Fax.

How to Search:

Enter the phone number that you want to search for without any special characters or spaces. If you do not know the complete number:

  • *###*-searches for phone numbers if contained in the phone number
  • ###*-searches for phone numbers that begin with the the numbers you have entered.
  • *###-searches for phone numbers that ends with the numbers you have entered.
  • !*###*-excludes the numbers you have entered from the numbers you are searching for.
  • If you want to search for more than one phone number, and you want your results to include any of the numbers you have entered, you must use comma to separate the individual number sets and use * on each side. Example: *###*, *###*, *###*
  • If you want to search for more than one phone number, and you want your results to include all of of the numbers you have entered, you must use a space to separate the individual number sets and use * on each side. Example: *###* *###* *###*
  • If you want to exclude more than one phone number, and you want your results to exclude any of of the numbers you have entered, you must use a comma to separate the number sets. Begin with ! and then use * on each side. Example: !*###*, !*###*, !*###*
  • If you want to exclude more than one phone number, and you want your results to exclude all of of the numbers you have entered, you must use a space to separate the number sets. Begin with ! and then use * on each side. Example: !*###* !*###* !*###*