Traffic Count

Help Topic 17944


A count of daily vehicular or pedestrian traffic, which is conducted along a particular road, path, or intersection.







Greater than 30000

Less than 1000




How to Search:

Make your selection(s). To make multiple selections hold down SHIFT on your keyboard and click the first selection, then click the last selection you want. To make multiple, non-sequential selections, hold down CTRL (Command on a Mac) on your keyboard and click each selection you want to include. To remove selections, use CTRL (Command on a Mac) and click the selections you want to remove.

You can also use And, Or or Not:

  • And search yields results when all of the search criteria is found.
  • Or search yields results when at least one of the search criteria is found.
  • Not search excludes results from your search.

To remove selections, hold down CTRL (Command on a Mac) on your keyboard and click each selection you want to remove.