Legal Subdivision

Help Topic 18154


A description, provided by a county, which can include building/condo names, land development phases, commerce centers and subdivision names. Often this information is also found in the County Legal Description text field and represents information that the county typically collects at the time of development on the parcel. The Legal Subdivision as made available by the County and Bright does not alter this information.

How to Search:

To search for an exact match, enter the word or name you would like to search for. To search without exact parameters use the following shortcuts:

  • *Word*-searches for the word if contained anywhere.
  • Word*-searches for information that begins with the word.
  • *Word-searches for information that ends with the word.
  • !*Word*-excludes the word from the search.
  • If you want to search for more than one word, and you want your results to include any of the words, you must use comma to separate the individual words and use * on each side. Example: *Word*, *Word*, *Word*
  • If you want to search for more than one word, and you want your results to include all of of the words, you must use a space to separate the individual words and use * on each side. Example: *Word* *Word* *Word*
  • If you want to exclude more than one word, and you want your results to exclude any of the words, you must use a comma to separate the individual words and use * on each side. Example: !*Word*, !*Word*, !*Word*
  • If you want to exclude more than one word, and you want your results to exclude all of of the words, you must use a space to separate the individual words. Begin with ! and then use * on each side. Example: !*Word* !*Word* !*Word*
  • If you want to search to both include and exclude more than one word, and you want your results to include and exclude any of the words, you must use a comma to separate the individual words and use * on each side. Example: !*Word*, *Word*, *Word*
  • If you want to include and exclude more than one word, and you want your results to include and exclude all of of the words, you must use a space to separate the individual words. Begin with ! and then use * on each side. Example: !*Word* *Word* *Word*
  • Special characters like "-" are not excluded. If searching for As-is, you will want to search *As-is*, *As is* in order to search for both variations of the term.