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Help Topic 18238


Describes the property's proximity to various modes of public transportation.


Airport less than 10 Miles: Within 10 miles of a commercial or private airport.

Bus Stop less than 1 mile: Within 1 mile of a publicly designated place where buses stop for passengers.

Metro/Subway Station less than 1 mile: Within 1 mile of a rapid or mass rapid transit line, also known as heavy rail, metro or subway.

Metro/Subway Station 1 to 3 miles: One to 3 miles from a rapid or mass rapid transit line, also known as heavy rail, metro or subway.

Commuter Lots less than 5 miles: Within 5 miles of a publicly designated parking lot near access to public transportation.

Commuter Rail Station less than 1 mile: Within 1 mile of a passenger rail service that primarily operates between a city and its closest suburbs.

Commuter Rail Station 1 to 5 miles: One to 5 miles from a passenger rail service that primarily operates between a city and its closest suburbs.

How to Search:

Make your selection(s). To make multiple selections hold down SHIFT on your keyboard and click the first selection, then click the last selection you want. To make multiple, non-sequential selections, hold down CTRL (Command on a Mac) on your keyboard and click each selection you want to include. To remove selections, use CTRL (Command on a Mac) and click the selections you want to remove.

You can also use And, Or or Not:

  • And search yields results when all of the search criteria is found.
  • Or search yields results when at least one of the search criteria is found.
  • Not search excludes results from your search.

To remove selections, hold down CTRL (Command on a Mac) on your keyboard and click each selection you want to remove.