Help Topic 18395
Street Number
The number describing where a property is located on a street.
How to Search:
You can enter either:
- A single number (Example: 3200)
- More than and equal to (Example: 3+ or >3)
- Less than and equal to (Example: 10- or <10)
- A range (Example: 2-4)
- Use a comma only if you want to search for more than one set of numbers. (Example: 300, 400, 500-600. This will search for matches of 300, 400 and the range between 500-600)
Direction Prefix
The direction of the street if added before the street name.
How to Search:
Click the drop down menu and click on your selection.
Street (with optional abbreviated Suffix)
The street name portion of a listed property's street address. You also have the option to enter an abbreviation of the Street Suffix without a period punctuation after the suffix (St, Ave, Blvd, etc). A list of all the street suffix abbreviations that are available in Bright can be found here.
How to Search:
If searching by street name and suffix, include as much of the street name as you need, then a space and then the suffix without a period punctuation after the suffix. All street name searches are starts with what you enter as the street name. For example: Main St will bring you results where the street name starts with Main and is a street. If the street name that you are searching for is only 1 letter, you will need to enter it, then a space, and then add the abbreviated street suffix without a period punctuation after the suffix to get an exact match (For example: K St).
To search without exact parameters use the following shortcuts:
- *name - Searches ends with what you type
- *name* - Searches contains what you typed
Adding an ! in front of any of the options above will exclude that name from your search. You can use a comma, and any of the * shortcuts above, to search for more than one street name in the same street name field. This is helpful for when you have more street names that the amount of fields available for the search.
Direction Suffix
The direction of the street if added after the street name.
How to Search:
Click the drop down menu and click on your selection.
Unit #
Text field containing the number or portion of a larger building or complex. Unit Number should appear following the street suffix or, if it exists, the street suffix direction, in the street address. Examples are: "APT G", "55", etc.
How to Search:
Enter the exact number you are searching for. Use a comma only if you want to search for more than one set of numbers.
The city in which the property is located according to postal zip code.
How to Search:
Option 1
- Click in the field.
- Begin typing your search criteria. As more characters are entered, the results will filter to display only those that match.
- Click your selection. Repeat to include or exclude multiple selections.
You can move down through search fields by using the Tab button on your keyboard. You can use the Up and Down arrows on your keyboard to toggle between selections.
Option 2
- Click the Lookup
icon. - To narrow down the displayed options, begin typing your selection into the Search For field.
- Make your selection(s). To make multiple selections hold down SHIFT on your keyboard and click the first selection, then click the last selection you want. To make multiple, non-sequential selections, hold down CTRL (Command on a Mac) on your keyboard and click each selection you want to include. To remove selections, use CTRL (Command on a Mac) and click the selections you want to remove.
- Click
to include your selection(s). - Click OK.
Zip Code
The postal code portion of a street or mailing address.
How to Search:
- Click in the Zip Code field.
- Enter your preferred Zip Code(s).
- If you would like your search to span multiple Zip Codes, use commas to separate your selections.
- If you would like to exclude any zip codes, place a ! before the zip code.
Text field containing the accepted postal abbreviation for the state or province.
How to Search:
Click the drop down menu and click on your selection.